Story by Meredith Nelson / February 26, 2017
Sleep Matters!
Meredith Nelson, M.Ed.
PrimeTime Fitness, Inc.
A Google search for “sleep” makes it clear . . . the top trending searches include “sleep for better performance,” “sleep, obesity, and exercise,” “sleep protects the brain,” and other such phrases connecting sleep to improved health and wellness. Ask anyone who has been lucky enough to experience a few good night’s sleep and they will tell you they might as well have discovered a wonder drug!
You are probably tired of hearing it – the average adult needs between seven and nine hours of sleep. Sure, there are some folks out there who claim to get five or six hours of the nighttime shut-eye and function just fine. Most of us do not fall into that category. Listen to your body – are you hungry throughout the day? A little more irritable than usual? Do you find yourself reaching for yet another cup of caffeine to stay focused and be productive? Do you often feel the need to nap? These may all be signals that your body is sending, imploring you to hit the hay earlier and get more zzzz’s.
It’s no secret that sleep is becoming more of a concern in our society . . . sleep studies are becoming more prevalent, devices and apps now track not only your hours of shut-eye but also the quality of your sleep, and athletic teams are even hiring sleep consultants to help their athletes sleep better. Along with the current trend of clean eating, “clean sleeping” is a new philosophy that prioritizes not only the amount of sleep you get, but also the quality of your zz’s. It involves putting your work away, waiting to respond to emails, and making your need for good rest a priority. Everything else can wait until morning.
What’s the big deal about sleep? Well, one small example of the benefits was demonstrated in a recent study of Stanford University athletes. Football players who experienced a good night’s sleep improved their 40-yard dash times by 2.1%. Basketball players improved their free throw and 3-point shooting accuracy by 9% and 9.2%, respectively. Elite athletes often aim for even more than nine hours of sleep to allow the body to recover between hard workouts.
So you’re not an elite athlete? You still need the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep! Why? Along with eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, sleep needs to be a part of your fitness plan. No matter how good your diet is, or how good your exercise program is, neither are beneficial if your sleep patterns are off. According to an ACE (American Council on Exercise) blog post by Chris Freytag, “a lack of sleep leads to a slew of negatives, including weight gain, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, depression, lower immune-system response, premature aging and impaired thinking.” When we are sleep deprived, we reach for snacks to keep our energy levels high. Also, our hormones are disturbed and those responsible for making us feel hungry or full are out of whack . . . meaning we tend to eat more. Lack of sleep is also a primary cause of car accidents, with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine reporting an estimated 250,000 sleep-related traffic accidents each year. Our thinking becomes fuzzy and judgment is affected, clouding our decision-making skills.
What makes sleep so important? Just like your cell phone, your body needs to be recharged daily. Following Stage 1 sleep (in which your eyes are closed and you are easily awakened), and Stage 2 (your heart rate slows, breathing becomes deeper, and body temperature drops, preparing for “Deep Sleep”), Stage 3 of the sleep cycle is the “Restorative Sleep” stage, in which your nervous system repairs and recovers, energy is restored, and new memories and information are processed. Deprive yourself of enough of this stage, and your batteries aren’t 100% recharged. These three stages, known as non-REM, or NREM sleep, can each last from 5 to 15 minutes, and are followed by REM sleep, when heart rate and breathing quicken and deep dreams occur. Shorting yourself of any of these stages can lead to a less than satisfactory night’s sleep!
Some tips to encourage a good night’s sleep:
For more tips on getting a good night’s sleep, check out!
Good night, everyone – I’m going to bed!
Meredith Nelson, M.Ed., is the owner of PrimeTime Fitness, Inc, in Mt. Pleasant. Certified through AFAA in Group Fitness, ACE as a Personal Trainer and Medical Exercise Specialist, and TPI as a golf fitness professional, Meredith has been bringing fitness to the East Cooper area for over twenty years. Now located just across the causeway at 1558 Ben Sawyer Boulevard, PrimeTime Fitness caters to the mature exerciser and offers personal and small group training, indoor cycling, yoga, golf fitness training, monthly gym membership, and more. Meredith can be reached with your fitness questions at 843-883-0101, or
I worked out with Meredith for years before she (sadly) moved away. She is creative, fun, and great at correcting your form. She can adapt to injuries you might have. She will incorporate things you like (yoga) and can work with all types of exercise equipment from machines to bands to TRX to free weights to your body weight. No two workouts are the same, which means you do not get bored and you want to keep coming back!
Meredith first sought to truly understand my fitness goals and then observed my current weight-training routine. She then helped me organize a workout plan that gave me better results, in the same amount of time. Now I have a more balanced routine that is producing better results, in the same amount of time, with the same amount of effort. She always had my work within my comfort level and has helped me develop a more balanced program that maximizes the results.
I found my happy place at home with Meredith and Primetime Fitness. I started virtual training with Meredith at the beginning of Covid and now virtual training is part of my weekly routine. What a joy to get a great workout and not have to leave the house! Thanks, Meredith!
I’ve been taking Meredith’s classes for a few short months and also doing some training sessions with her, and it has already made me stronger. I love that she offers lower-impact options (for this 58-year-old) and also motivates all of us during class!
I was recently diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic. I had worked out with Meredith once before, but at the time, I just wasn’t dedicated to a routine. As soon as I was diagnosed, I shot her a quick email, and she immediately responded. We met and discussed diet and exercise; she was a wealth of information. I started working out with her and figuring out what routine spoke best to me. She helped me set up a Peloton bike and monitored my form. Hey, if this 65-year-old woman can get in shape, anyone can. I’m 15 pounds down and on the right track. Thanks, Meredith!