Happy Anniversary!
One Year:
Tom Carico
Two Years:
Alan and Charlotte Artus
Jonathan Kirshtein
Three Years:
Sandy Pusey-Cameron
Carlin Timmons
Four Years:
Eight Years:
Jeff Marrett
Ten Years:
Brian Collins
Eleven Years:
Dawn Ulmer
Fourteen Years:
Heather Condon
Congratulations on your continued dedication to your health and fitness, and THANK YOU for another year of support!
Join the PrimeTime Green Team!
Breaking News:
PrimeTime Fitness has joined the Charleston Green Business Challenge!
The Green Business Challenge(GBC) promotes environmental sustainability while enhancing business profitability. Metro area businesses and institutions work to reduce their energy, water and waste and to buy local while saving money.
We’ve completed our inintial scorecard and didn’t do too poorly – with 25 points, we are at the “Sweetgrass” level. You can see we have lots of room for improvement:
Sweetgrass 15-25 points
Palmetto 26-50 points
Magnolia 51-75 points
Live Oak 76-100+ points
We have outlined some preliminary goals in order to improve our sustainability, reduce waste, and cut down on energy and water usage. But we can’t do it alone!
If you would like to learn more about how you can help, click here to let us know!
Bridge the Ashley Rally
Despite being approved in February 2014, the Legare Bridge Bike & Pedestrian Lane opening West Ashley to cyclists and pedestrians from downtown remains unbuilt. There is no safe way to walk or ride a bike over the Ashley River between West Ashley and the peninsula.
April ushers in the completion of Phase I: the installation of the car-centric additional left turn lane at Bee and Lockwood. Conversely, the Bike & Pedestrian Lane has inexplicably been delayed another 9 months. Since approval, this totals three unjust delays. We cannot allow another.
Gather on the steps of City Hall to urge the Mayor and members of City and County Council to expeditiously install the approved Bike & Pedestrian Lane in the name of safety and community connection.
Monday, April 11, 2016
6 p.m. @ Steps of City Hall (80 Broad Street)
Fill Out A Postcard – Be Heard!
Mayor Tecklenburg and members of City and County Council NEED to hear that you support the Legare Bridge Bike & Pedestrian Lane.
Throughout April, Charleston Moves is working to get 1,500 physical postcards in support of this project to our elected officials. We will double down with digital postcards, all of which will be delivered to the Mayor and members of City Council at the end of the month.
Tell your elected officials to stop playing politics with your safety! Our streets are public space; there’s no room for politics and unnecessary delays.
Click here to let your voice be heard.
Boot Camp coming soon!
Save the date: Boot Camp begins Monday, May 2!
This 4x/week program will have you beach-bound and ready in no time. Online sign-ups coming soon!
May 2 – 27
6:30 a.m. Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri
8:00 a.m.
Men wanted for new walking group
Hey guys! Interested in ramping up your cardio?
Tired of your wife telling you it’s time to hit the gym?
Running hurts and the elliptical bores you to tears?
Then this group is just what you need!
Meet once a week (for starters) to walk in the Old Village. See new faces, new sights, and get some good exercise while you are enjoying the fresh air.
Interested? Click here to let us know – we’re taking a poll!
 Even though the weather is getting better and we all want to get outdoors, there is also plenty to do inside at PrimeTime Fitness. Be sure to check our online schedule page for the latest Group X schedules. Check it all out online – PrimeTime Pedal, Total Body Circuit, Pedal & Pump, Yoga, and of course, Cardio Camp and – coming soon . . . Boot Camp!!! Our faith-based classes continue to gain popularity – come try them out! Keep reading for details on all this great stuff we have to keep you fit.
(Staff) Member Spotlight –
Andrew Dean
Welcome to the PrimeTime Team, Andrew! |
PrimeTime Fitness has been fortunate to stumble upon Andrew Dean. To spot Andrew is to meet him – his outgoing personality is energetic and enthusiastic, and he’s quick to introduce himself and offer a solid handshake. Andrew is certified through the International Sports & Fitness Trainers Association as a Personal Trainer, and holds an American Council on Exercise certification as a Holistic Fitness Coach. Andrew’s interest in health and fitness started when he was a student athlete in the town of Bluffton, South Carolina. His high school football career eventually faded away due to his focus on wrestling.
During his wrestling years, Andrew gained a lot of knowledge on not only physical training but also mental toughness and self-determination. He went on to become a two-time individual state wrestling champion and ranked in the top ten freestyle wrestlers in the country for his weight class. On a wrestling scholarship, he competed as an NCAA student athlete and helped coach the summer wrestling program while attending Limestone College with a major in Physical Education. He transferred to the College of Charleston and graduated with his bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science.
If you’re looking for a great workout, Andrew’s the guy for you. But don’t think that’s all you get . . . Andrew fully agrees with the other PrimeTime trainers that you can easily ruin a great workout with poor nutrition, and he’s eager to discuss proper fueling with his clients. He believes in the total viewpoint of Holistic training where every client builds the physical body they desire through the development of physical fitness and natural nutrition, and after a workout with Andrew you’ll leave with lots of calories burned and spirits high!
6:30 a.m. Tuesdays in April
Boot Camp begins May 2 . . . but before you sign up for Boot Camp, you better get ready!
Starting Tuesday, April 5, join Andrew every Tuesday morning at 6:30 for an outdoor cardio workout that will get you out of your rut and ready to join the troops in May!
Even if Boot Camp isn’t in your future, Cardio Camp needs to be!
Space is limited – click here to sign up NOW!
Begins Tuesday, April 5
6:30 a.m.
Julie’s super quick and easy sauce for chicken or fish
 Thanks to Julie for offering up this quick and easy way to change up your chicken or fish recipe!
Throw the following into a blender, food processor, or Vitamix:
Handful of cilantro, Splash of lime juice
Drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 jalapeño
Tsp minced garlic or 1 garlic clove
Pinch of salt
- After processing, brush over split organic chicken breasts or fish
- Bake at 300 for 10 minutes
- High broil for 5 minutes
National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work
(out) Day
Thursday, April 28
Once a year parents are encouraged to bring their kids to work. Help us celebrate National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day by bringing them to the gym to workOUT!
“This national, public education program connects what children learn at school with the actual working world. Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work helps girls and boys across the nation discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life.”
Of course, if you are reading this, you probably believe that along with balancing work and family, putting health and fitness first is a priority. Here at PrimeTime Fitness we invite you to go one step further on this day, and bring your kids with you to workout. Allowing your daughters and sons – no matter what their ages – to experience your healthy lifestyle right along with you is more than a learning opportunity; it gives you quality time together doing something active and fun.
So on the fourth Thursday of the month, take your daughters and sons to work, and then bring them to the gym to workout!
For more information about the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation, click here.
April 23
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 23! We are finally having a Grand Re-Opening to show off our new spaces, faces, and workouts!
Stay tuned for details – but save the date, bring your families, and tell your friends to come on out to see what PrimeTime is all about!
Getting Older?
Your Muscles Don’t Have To!
Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean your muscles have to get weaker and less efficient.
According to a recent article in the New York Times, ” To keep our muscles healthy deep into retirement, we may need to start working out more now, according to a new study of world-class octogenarian athletes. The study found substantial differences at a cellular level between the athletes’ muscles and those of less active people.”
Click here to continue reading the March 30 article.
Thanks to Candy Hawthorne for sharing this
great article with us!